Classic Wisdom about the Shoes We Wear


Who’s your favorite character in The Wizard of Oz? We’re kind of attached to all of them here at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center! Anyone who’s visited our Monmouth County podiatry office knows that we love The Wizard of Oz, which celebrates its 80th anniversary on August 25, 2019. What a milestone: 80 years of grand entertainment and wisdom from Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, and a couple of witches.  

If you think about it, there’s another important “character” in this classic movie: shoes. If it weren’t for the ruby slippers magically appearing on Dorothy’s feet, there’s no way she would have made it out of Oz. So let’s talk about shoes. Our board-certified podiatrists want to offer up some classic wisdom about the importance of choosing shoes wisely.  

  • They’ve got to fit well.
    Painful bunions, hammertoes, heel pain, and so many more foot and ankle problems can be traced back to shoes that don’t fit. If you see a beautiful pair of shoes and exclaim “I’ll get you, my pretty!” and buy them on the spot, you run the risk of them being a bad fit even if they’re “your size.” Size and shape can vary even within the same brand of shoes. Try them on at the store, walk around, and ensure that you’ve got enough room in the toes and that your heel isn’t sliding around.

  • Keep heel heights reasonable.
    Those ruby red slippers have the power to protect Dorothy from the Wicked Witch of the West, but they’re also pretty darn practical. We never hear Dorothy complain that her heels are causing her arch pain or making her toes curl. Walk your own yellow brick road in heels no higher than a couple of inches. When you do wear high heels, limit your time in them to avoid foot problems.

  • Shoes should provide support and protection.
    Wear the proper shoe for your activity and avoid going barefoot, especially in public areas where you can pick up a fungal infection.  

When you insert your feet into a new pair of shoes, they should sigh and say, “There’s no place like home!” For excellence in foot and ankle care, there’s no place like the Howell and Jackson offices of Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka. Call us at (732) 905-1110 or make an appointment online