Questions and Answers about Warts


What exactly is a wart?

A wart is an infection that causes patches of thickened skin. Warts can appear anywhere on your skin, but they’re most commonly found on the hands and feet. A single wart is small, rough, and dry. But warts don’t always grow singly; they may appear in clusters. You may be able to see tiny black dots in the center of a wart. “Plantar” warts are warts that appear on the sole of your foot and are generally flatter than the rounded, fleshy warts found on the toes.  

Are they harmful?

No. Warts are quite common and not dangerous. However, they can be tender and uncomfortable. If they grow large enough, plantar warts can interfere with your ability to walk.  

Where do warts come from?

Human papillomavirus - HPV - enters the body through a break in the skin.                                                             

Who gets warts?

Most adults have built up immunity to HPV, so warts are much more common in children and young adults.

How do you prevent plantar warts?

HPV flourishes in warm, damp places. Avoid walking barefoot on damp ground, in locker rooms, and near public pools. You can also get HPV if you share a towel, washcloth, nail clippers, or nail file with someone who’s infected.  

How should you treat a wart?

Don’t pick at a wart as it can encourage spreading. You can try over-the-counter wart removal treatments available at any drug store. However, warts can sometimes be tough to get rid of on your own. If you’ve got a wart or a wart cluster that’s really large, painful, or keeps recurring, get it removed by one of our board-certified podiatrists.  

Contact Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Any of our board-certified podiatrists - Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka - can remove bothersome warts safely and expertly. Make an appointment to see us in Howell or Jackson by calling (732) 905-1110 or contacting us online.