Horror Stories about Feet - and How to Avoid Them


Ghostly and ghoulish things are happening all over Monmouth County, which is fine since it’s Halloween! But when ghastly things start happening to your feet, it can really put a cramp in your holiday - and the weeks, months, or even years that follow. At Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center, we want to help you avoid foot problems as much as possible. 

Problem avoidance begins with proper foot care. Some scary things can happen when you’re careless about your feet. Horror stories often begin with seemingly innocent actions like: 

  • Cutting your nails too short. Doing so can cause your nails to grow into the sides of your nail bed, a painful condition called ingrown toenails. Cutting your nails on an angle has the same effect.

  • Wearing shoes - bad ones. Our podiatrists define “bad” as any shoes that are too big, too small, too narrow in the toes, or too old to provide any support. We also mean the wrong shoe for your activity - running shoes to play tennis, for example. Improper shoes can be the underlying cause of hammertoes, blisters, debilitating heel pain, and more.

  • Going barefoot. Shoes protect your feet from sharp objects, toenail fungus, and other infections. They also help prevent fallen arches and plantar fascia strain.

  • Ignoring proper diet and exercise. Your feet depend on vital nutrients like Vitamin D and calcium for strong bones and water for healthy skin. Furthermore, a diet low in fresh fruits and vegetables and/or an inactive lifestyle can lead to being overweight and Type 2 diabetes, which brings some of the most chilling foot problems we treat.

  • Adopting a wait-and-see attitude. Taking your time deciding what Halloween costume to wear is one thing. But waiting months to see if that new dark spot on your toe goes away is quite another (it could be skin cancer.)  Hobbling around on a bruised ankle for weeks is taking wait-and-see too far (you could have a bone fracture.) Ignoring a foot problem that’s not going away rarely helps and often makes treatment longer and more difficult.

Board-certified podiatrists Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka can help with all problems of the feet and ankles. Not treating a problem can come back to haunt you, so get prompt, expert care at our office in Howell or Jackson, New Jersey. Request an appointment online or call us at (732) 905-1110.