5 Reasons Our Podiatrists Prescribe Physical Therapy
Imagine you’ve had foot or ankle pain for quite a while. You can’t ignore it any longer, so you do the right thing: Make an appointment with the board-certified podiatrists at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center. We diagnose and treat your pain, perhaps with medication, exercise, wearing a brace, or maybe even corrective surgery. After all this, we then prescribe physical therapy.
Your first reaction might be: “Good grief! Do I have to keep coming back? I feel fine. I’ll skip the therapy.”
That would be a mistake.
We prescribe physical therapy for many reasons, none of which are frivolous or unnecessary. Physical therapy can be key to proper, complete healing. Moreover, coming to us is convenient because our physical therapist is in our Monmouth County office.
Here are five reasons to follow through with a course of PT with our physical therapist, Valerie Gregory, MSPT, CKPT:
1. To relieve your pain.
After diagnosing the root of your pain, whether an ankle sprain, overuse injury, or something else, our podiatrists may recommend physical therapy to manage and hopefully eliminate your pain.
2. To improve flexibility.
Athletes who’d like to improve their performance can do so by increasing their muscle flexibility. Flexible muscles also help you avoid injuries.
3. To have a better balance.
Older folks with balance issues may find that they’ve got a problem with their feet. Once our podiatrists fix the underlying issue, balance problems may remain. Physical therapy can target muscle weakness contributing to a feeling of instability. Valerie can also give senior citizens renewed confidence in their feet, helping to prevent falls.
4. To avoid surgery.
Although our podiatrists are experienced foot and ankle surgeons, it doesn’t mean we rush to the operating room. We’re happy to help you avoid surgery with other treatments, including a round of targeted physical therapy.
5. To make a full recovery from foot or ankle surgery.
If you do undergo surgery for a broken bone, hammertoe, bunion, or arthritis, physical therapy completes your recovery. Proper healing and follow-through with Valerie are essential to avoid future pain and injury to the same area.
To find out if physical therapy can help your foot or ankle pain or for an appointment with our therapist, call (732) 905-1110 or contact us online.